I made $2,795 last year with affiliate marketing, doing basically nothing. Here, I spill all my tips for increasing sales with affiliate marketing and how to get started!
I made $2,795 last year with affiliate marketing, doing basically nothing. Here, I spill all my tips for increasing sales with affiliate marketing and how to get started!
I always say the key to winning with money is to spend with intention. Here, I discuss the budgeting method that helps me spend intentionally, achieve my financial goals, and reduce stress when it comes to managing our money. With this method, we paid off $68K of debt in one year. Come see how we budget!
I have compiled 12, one-month challenges to get your 2019 financially on track. Join me as we tackle debt and take control of our money together in 2019!!! Come check out January’s Challenge!!
Every single month I complete a No-Spend Challenge, and I’ve finally figured out how to design a challenge that works and isn’t impossible to stick to. Here, I share my tips and strategies for a No-Spend Challenge you can actually complete, while saving hundreds in the process.
I recently had to have some car repairs. When my original estimate was sky high, I started searching for some advice to lower that bill. Here, I’ve collected 5 tips to help you out when faced with car repairs.
Each month I write about ways I saved money the previous month. Some ways are new; some are tried and true. Here’s what I did to save money in December.
Hello friends! I am so glad you are here!! Today, I am launching a dream of mine—and that is to blog about all things personal finance, frugal living, contentment, and achieving financial goals. Won’t you join me as I tread this path to financial freedom?